Want to boost your nonprofit’s fundraising and visibility? Join Give Nebraska to connect with a network of passionate nonprofits, expand your donor reach, and increase community awareness for your cause. Become a member and expand your impact today!
Membership in this federation is open to local, regional, or statewide nonprofit organizations serving the State of Nebraska or any city or area within the State, whose purposes are to promote the overall quality of life in Nebraska.
Membership is determined solely at the discretion of the Give Nebraska Member's Council. Give Nebraska operating expenses are funded through private donations and member agencies.

Benefits of Becoming a Give Nebraska Member Agency
- Access new donors through workplace giving campaigns.
- Raise awareness of your organization with supporters across the state.
- Add a new discretionary funding stream to your current fundraising efforts.
- Money raised is unrestricted, unless a donor indicates otherwise, for members to use how they best see fit for their organization.
- Support the community and state by working with other outstanding non-profit organizations.
- Join a network of non-profit professionals dedicated to positive philanthropy and choice in workplace giving.
Member Agency Responsibilities
- Active participation in meetings of the Member's Council.
- Active participation in at least one committee.
- Participate in or conduct an annual worksite campaign.
- Active participation in gaining access to additional campaign worksites.
- Fulfill additional membership requirements as may be identified by the Board of Directors or Member's Council or which are specified in the current memorandum of agreement between the agency and the Board.
- Display the Give Nebraska logo and/or name and acknowledge itself as a Member Agency on all appropriate Member Agency literature, advertising and press releases
- Pay annual dues and membership fees.
Interested Member Agencies must: be a 501c3 organization, be incorporated for a minimum of 3 years, complete either a full independent audit or an independent financial review annually, have an affirmative action or diversity statement, and not be a member of another local workplace giving federation.