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Connecting Donors to the Causes They Care About Most.

Become a Member Agency

How to Apply

Interested in Becoming a Member Agency?

Agencies interested in membership must begin by submitting a Letter of Intent. You can send us a Letter of Intent anytime between now and early December to let us know that you plan to apply for the 2026 Campaign.  

Letters of Intent should include:

  • Confirmation that the prospective agency has read and fulfills all Give Nebraska requirements for membership. 
  • Confirmation that the prospective agency has reviewed the full list of current Give Nebraska members.
  • Confirmation that the prospective agency is aware of the financial and time requirements necessary for membership.
  • Confirmation that the prospective agency’s leadership and Board of Directors is supportive of membership in Give Nebraska. 
  • Contact name, address and email for the prospective agency.

Interested agencies should submit a letter of intent to apply for Give Nebraska membership. Letters are due by 5:00pm, December 10, 2025. 

Give Nebraska will review the letters and notify agencies selected to continue with the process by December 13, 2025.


Agencies selected to proceed with the application process will receive the 2026 Membership Application via e-mail. Applications for membership in Give Nebraska and participation in the 2026 Campaign are due January 10, 2026.


The Membership Evaluation Committee will invite selected agencies to be interviewed between January 19 and February 14, 2026. Each meeting will be approximately 30 minutes. Attendees should include: individual who completed the membership application along with the Board Chair or Executive Director.

The Membership Committee will recommend new agencies to the Give Nebraska Member’s Council at the February 17, 2026 meeting. All new member agencies will be contacted following that meeting.

To inquire about membership, please contact Melissa at or by phone (402) 475-7759 or with our online contact form.