The Mediation Center is dedicated to conflict resolution, providing professional, effective mediation services to every individual in the community regardless of their ability to pay.
- $10 per month pays for three parenting education classes. ($120)
- $20 per month pays for an interpreter for one parenting plan mediation. ($240)
A Parenting Plan provides for the physical care and emotional stability of minor children of separating parents and encourages both parents to continue to fulfill their parenting responsibilities through a shared, written agreement. Through the use of mediation, The Mediation Center assists parents in creating a Parenting Plan that meets these needs.
During one such mediation the parents were doing well at making decisions regarding holiday parenting time. Until it came to Easter. Each parent was dead set on having the Easter holiday every year. The mediators worked with them for a while but there seemed to be no compromise in sight. Then, one of the mediators said, “Dad, what is your favorite part of Easter? Is it filling the Easter baskets? Dressing the kids up for Sunday service? Or is it dinner at Grandmas house and the Easter egg hunt after?” Dad replied “Well, it’s being the Easter bunny, seeing the kids’ excitement Easter morning.” The mediator turned and looked at Mom. “Mom, what is your favorite part?” Mom answered, “Dinner at Grandmas and the Easter egg hunt.”
The mediators remained quiet. The parents looked at each other and, because a trained, neutral party had asked the right questions, a compromise was suddenly apparent and the parents agreed it would work just fine to divide the day between them with parenting time transition at noon. This moment was mediation at its best!
610 J Street, Suite 100
Lincoln, NE 68508